As a health coach, Rittu Pande Sinha is one of the lovely humans you need to see to achieve your physical and mental health goals. Her experience in this, as well as her eleven years in business management positions, has helped give her insight into human nature, an invaluable soft skill which she employs in guiding her clients.

Rittu sees professional development as a journey and each leg of this journey is an invaluable step. Read on to find out more about Rittu’s views on working with clients and making a difference in their lives.
GLEAC: Who do you have to thank for a decision that you made that got you where you are today?
RITTU: I have to thank the people who believed in me more than I believed in myself. These were primarily my friends and family.
GLEAC: If a future version of yourself had to thank you for something you are doing right now that will contribute to your future, what would it be for?
RITTU: A future version of myself would definitely thank me for continually being curious and learning.
GLEAC: What is your superpower soft skill (it can be one or a few)? How do you use it in your job in your sector?
RITTU: My superpower soft skills are managing people. I use this skill when dealing with clients or external vendors.
GLEAC: In 5 years from now, who do you want to become? Describe in detail 😉
RITTU: In five years, I want to become a coveted health coach and expert.
GLEAC: With all the changes happening in the world, is your sector going to survive, and if yes, why? If it won’t be viable anymore in its present form, how does it have to change to survive and evolve?
RITTU: Oh yes human health and performance will always be relevant as they feed into the human need to be better tomorrow than we are today.
GLEAC: If the 80 year old version of you had to give advice to the 8 year old version of you, what would he or she say you need to change/buck up on right now?
RITTU: The 80 year old version of myself would advise the eight year old version to put myself out there a lot more and a lot more often.
GLEAC: Which skills will those belonging to your sector have to acquire to become indispensable?
RITTU: Those belonging to my sector will have to acquire the skills of empathy, listening, communication, service to others, and forming connections.
GLEAC: What is the one thing you learned on your professional journey that you would like to share with the world?
RITTU: During my journey, I have learned that our professional progress is not what you started out doing. It’s all that you have done and achieved during your entire working career. It’s a cumulative inventory of learnings, skills and experiences.
GLEAC: Every career has its pros and cons. What are the good and bad aspects of your career?
RITTU: Everything has good and bad. They go hand in hand. I prefer dwelling on the good aspects which are having the freedom to pursue my passions and interests, creating connections and making a difference in people’s lives.
GLEAC: Work in your sector can get rigorous. How do you keep up the mojo?
RITTU: I keep up my mojo by managing my energy better.
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